Water Risk Research and Development Project

As SKD Turkey, in collaboration with Ankara University's Institute of Water Management, and with the main sponsorship of Ülker, as well as the support sponsorship of Brisa, IC İçtaş Construction, PepsiCo, Sütaş, Toros Agriculture, and TürkTraktör, we aimed to raise awareness about water efficiency and water footprint in agriculture through the 'Water Risks Project'. In the Kızılırmak Basin, where agricultural water demand is expected to increase by 1.5 times by 2050, our project, which focuses on wheat production through drip irrigation in the Delice district of Kırıkkale province, has achieved an average of 30% water savings while increasing product yield by 20%.

In the second phase of our project, with the additional support sponsorship from Wilo Turkey and Şekerbank, we are working tirelessly to raise awareness among farmers and contribute to our country's sustainable water policies.