Our Members

Sustainable development means programming development by meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This approach should also take economic, environmental and societal dynamics into consideration in a holistic manner. Keeping this approach in mind, the business world can both invest in the today and the future of “business”. It can create a crucial impact on the future of the environment, economy and society by including sustainability in its focus, and changing its business processes. This impact is only possible with a process which starts with awareness, and shapes with changes in strategy, together with a holistic approach. 

As BCSD Türkiye, we aim to become a part of this process. And we assemble businesses under the same roof with the purpose of creating that impact together because we believe that businesses constitute one of the most important actors of sustainable development. In 2004, our organization was founded as the sole business council focused on sustainability in Türkiye, and since then, we have been empowered with the experience and support of World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Our most valuable companions in this journey are our members who also grasp the importance of the concept of sustainability.

Our members’ commitment to ‘sustainable business’ increase each year, as well as their number.  By being a part of continuous communication, they amplify the cooperation between businesses and industries. We are aware that sustainability is a collective journey, instead of a path walked singly. So our members are eager to share their knowledge and experiences about sustainability.

If you wish to combine your journey with ours and become a member of our organization, please contact us at info@skdturkiye.org for more information.  

Member companies

Sectoral distribution of members